How to get Help Desk Analyst Canadian College Course Online Program Diploma

Help Desk Analyst Canadian College Course Online Program Diploma

Help desk analysts are an indispensable component of most IT departments, providing technical assistance to users for various products and services. Their working environments may differ depending on the industry they serve.

Skills necessary for this position include empathy, resilience, customer service acumen and an in-depth knowledge of DISC. A certification or license in specific hardware or software may also prove advantageous.

Job outlook

Help desk analysts are the backbone of most IT departments, serving as first-line technical support and troubleshooting issues for internal and external customers alike. Their roles involve receiving requests through emails, phone calls and live chat while tracking them using a ticket system in order to facilitate communication and resolve them swiftly. Ideally they must possess excellent customer service skills while being adept at working under pressure - many IT workers begin their careers working the help desk by offering basic solutions or delegating complex problems to more senior technicians.

As there are no formal qualifications needed to become a help desk analyst, it is essential that you possess a high school diploma or its equivalent as well as some form of postsecondary IT/computing training - either through community college courses or university degrees with job placement programs that give hands-on experience and increase chances of employment after graduating.

Experience in customer service is essential if your job involves responding to frustrated or annoyed customers over the phone, particularly if dealing with calls that require patience, kindness, and empathy in resolving issues. Call center experience or IT support experience as well as speaking multiple languages could prove advantageous in landing the position.

Some help desk analysts specialize in specific hardware or software, giving them an edge when applying for jobs. Certifications also exist to demonstrate to employers that you possess the necessary skills and knowledge for this role; though not essential, they can show commitment and help distinguish you from other candidates.


Customer service and communication skills are essential in any field. You'll need to explain technical issues or errors so clients can comprehend them, while meeting deadlines is also vital for success. Whether working as an entry-level help desk analyst, cybersecurity specialist, or graphic designer; prepare to face fast-paced environments and large volumes of work!

For you to become a help desk analyst, you will need to complete a 53-week program which offers training in troubleshooting technology and providing support for various software and hardware devices. You can complete it at your own pace and may include practicum placement so you gain hands-on experience in real life settings. Here you will learn professional technical support as well as troubleshoot issues for servers, computers, printers and Windows software programs as well as resolve them using different communication strategies while supporting end-users effectively.

This program's curriculum encompasses various information technology management processes, such as network administration, storage management, information security management and device/cloud management. You will practice customer service philosophies and communication strategies necessary for effective management ... (more)

KatjaBidme's avatar
asked 2024-01-09 17:25:06 -0600
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